Monday, February 6, 2017

what is something you can do every day to protect Vietnam's enviroment?

every day, I have to protect the environment damage as well. But still there are many people still do not have a sense of environmental protection COL many people say "I think they do not have to go to school." Therefore, we should protect the environment, planting trees... ENGLISH
We know that the environment around us getting worse, so let's protect them from the small things in your life.And  one thing that not to do yourself being stupid when it poked home the knowledge of environment protection.

predict if Vietnam can sustainably feed it's future population

Now, people often have a question that in the future if a growing population, food will be enough for all people? Because now people are slowly ascending, but then increase more food so we can freely eat comfortably and eat as much as you like. But in the future, if the population increases rapidly and so many people so the food will not be enough to accommodate for all people. So therefore people need to work more to earn more food. If Vietnam have a lot of people but they don't go to work, Vietnam will fasting.

Describe one challenge to food production in Vietnam:

One challenge to food or fruit production in Vietnam are fruit. Right now, a lot of people want to buy a fresh fruit but Vietnam always take fruit from China. Because in china, they have no patience with rising food they had for harmful substances furniture and pastel on fruit and brought through Vietnam to sell to everyone. Because they can not be patient and they have sold and they are keen to cash. Should police now are investigating everyone from Vietnam through China. So, Vietnamese almost buy fruit in countries such as Australia or the United States.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Does Vietnam produce enough food to feed all its people?

Over the past decade, government policies in Vietnam have encouraged farmers to invest in agricultural production, especially food production, to meet domestic demand and for export. These police have been so successful that Vietnam no longer has a food shortage, and instead has a rice surplus for export Table 1492. In 1989, Vietnam was able to export 1.4 million mt of rice. By 1992, this had risen to 1.9 mt, plus 100,000 mt of corn and cassava. Important food crops in Vietnam include rice, corn, sweet potato, cassava and several kinds of bean. So if too many people, Vietnam would not be enough food to feed everyone.

List and describe some important crops grown in Vietnam.

rubber tree is a species of woody plants are under their General Dimensions (Euphorbiaceae). Being a member is of crucial largest economy in the genus Hevea. It is of great economic importance to the liquid extracted from the sap of like it and it is (called latex). And it can be collected as the main source of natural rubber production.

Coffee  is a black drinks containing caffeine and widely use, are produce from the coffee beans are roaste, the coffee trees. Coffee use for the first time in the 9th century, when it was discovered from the Ethiopian highlands. From there, it spread to Egypt and Yemen, and by the 15th century, then to Armenia, Persia, Turkey and northern Africa. From the Muslim world, coffee to Italy, then the rest of Europe, Indonesia and America.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Describe the environmental benefits of altering the environment in Vietnam

environment particularly important role for human life and living organisms, and the development of the country as well as humanity attempts. Therefore, the protection of the environment is the responsibility of all the people and organizations as well as all countries and the whole of humanity. For Vietnam, the process of industrialization. Currently, much of the country is bringing tremendous achievement, but it also poses the challenge of environment and sustainable development.
As we know, all the areas of social life needs to have the administration of the state and the environment was not the exception. Moreover, environmental protection is still active, is a complex task because of the environment is vast scope and structure is very complicated so we needed a system with appropriate management organizations and will have the effect.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Describe the environmental harms of altering the environment in Vietnam

environmental pollution that we are living in the environment, is one of the big issues for us to face. Environmental pollution has affected a lot to us to health.
The status of environmental pollution is affecting the flora and fauna. Some parts of the ecosystem example (air, water ...). These consequences will certainly reflect on the forms of imbalance in nature.
The health problems due to air pollution, mainly related to the respiratory tract of humans. The two main types are the major issues in environmental pollution are: Bronchitis and asthma is a major problem. It can reduce energy levels and dizziness, headaches and heart problems.