Monday, November 28, 2016

list 2-3 examples of biomes in Vietnam that are being changed by humans

Biomes in Vietnam that are being changed by humans:
 They change the conversion of forests to the farmland and they make lost a lot of animal, rare plant, and they make increased soil erosion.They renovating marshes into arable land loss of wetlands is very important habitat for many species animal and the human.The human hunting excessive too high, they take over fishing caused the decline of some species and  they make it lost the balance of ecological. They destroy the natural of deforestation for timber, habitat of animals and the plants. they pollute the environment.They renovating marshes into arable land loss of wetland.

Monday, November 7, 2016

describe some important biomes in Vietnam

The Se-mi-arid Calisto area of Southern Vietnam are the most arid in Vietnam because of the rain shadow effect of the plateaus of the Southern Animation Range, which restart the float of humid air in the Earth monsoon season. Mean annual Rational is less than 1,500 mm in the Calisto Label South of Nha Trang and Nobel 800m at Cape Panama South of Han Rang. These areas have been Available effect by hu-man activities and Great Teresa.

The Calisto re-gion around Nha Trang, Cam Ranh Bay, and Phan Rang in Southern Calisto Vietnam is form as a Submission of small Visual Planning to the East of the Vitamin Range and Karatedo by low hills up to 1,000m elevation formed of rhyolite or granite. The first woody community encountered away from the beach in southern Vietnam is generally a thicket community that gives way to a low scrubby forest further inland.