Monday, October 31, 2016


What is a biome?
Biome are very large ecological areas on the earth's surface, with fauna and flora (animals and plants) adapting to their environment. Biome are often define by antibiotic factors such as climate , relief , geology, soils and vegetation. A biome is NOT an ecosystem , although in a way it can look like a massive ecosystem. If you take a closer look , you will notice that plants or animals in any of the bimes have special adaptations that make it possible for them to exist in that are. You may find many unit of ecosystems within one biome.
There are five major categories of biomes on earth. In these five, there are many sub-biomes, under which are many more well defined ecosystems.

The Aquatic Biomes: Aquatic biome are group into two, Freshwater Biome like : (lakes and ponds, rivers and streams, wetlands) and Marine Biomes (oceans, coral reefs and estuaries).
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The main biomes in the world have 8 places are : southern Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean 

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